Wednesday, May 30, 2018

O’bros in love with Singhania sister’s episode 26..!!! Dhamaka episode… Coming up..

Episode 26
————————————————– Shivika’s bedroom ————————————————–
Shivaay was on the couch sleeping in sitting position..
An: (in mind): aww!! My baby was wating for me. How bad am i … i shouted at him.. i shuld say sorry to him..
She goes and sits down placing her head on shivaays lap.. shivaay being in sleep didnt take a notice of it…. after a few minutes shivaay feels his pants wet…😂😂
Sh: (in mind): oh cmon i dint wet my pants.. lets see..
He wakes up and seeing the situation he got tensed..
Anika was crying silently and had wet his pants with her tears..
Sh: anu baby.. wht happend…
He made her sit on his lap..
Sh: babu.. say smthing..
Anika hugged him..
An: baby i am so sory.. i shouted at u in the kitchen.. i am soo sorry..
Sh: babu.. thrs notihing to say sorry.. it was just ur mood swings..
An: no.. but i am feeling sooooo guilty.. I’m sorry.. u want to punish me… Say wht u want to me to do.. u want me to do sit ups.. or u want me to becm a cock..
Sh: u want punishment ri8… I’ll give u…
An: ok …
Sh: ok… Now b a good girl and cm let’s sleep…
Saying so they bth sleep..
————————————————– Shivika’s bedroom ————————————————–
Anika was the first one to get up.. she got freshened up and wore her business suit… She was truly looking like a business woman…
An: shiv.. get up..
Sh: ani.. nooo 5mins plz..
An: okay..
Sh: thank you….
An: u sleep I am going.. and I will be only driving..
Anika is abt to go..
Sh: arre Ani… U take everyring soo seriously… I was just joking… Look I am ready..
An: r u sure u want to cm like this to the office??
Sh: ya whts wrong.???
An: like seriously… Have a look ur self..
Sh: okay..
He sees himself.. hair upside down.. bare chest.. and only a pair of boxers…
Sh: ummm.. I’ll get ready in a minute…
Saying so he goes to the washroom..
Voice: he will never change…
Anika turns back to see who…
An: maa… Aap.. cmin..
Pin: he was like this only since childhood.. u know once he slept very late at night so we don’t wake him up for school….Mahi Om and Rudy got ready and went to school.. whn Shivaay got up he could find Mahi not Om and nor Rudy… The whole day he dint hv food nor spoke to anyone.. till his brothers cm and fed him by his own hand… After that day onwards he slept at correct 9 and get up early in the morning.. but I think he dint get sleep last night..( she teased Anika with her eyes.)
An: no ma… We were hv a long conversation last night thts tht reason…
Pin: ok I hv some work I’ll go.. apcm and hv breakfast soon..
An: ok maa..
Pinky goes and Shivaay cms…
Sh: maa was hear??
An: hmm..
She sees towards the door and turns towards Shivaay… But the was no Shivaay…
An: whr did he go???
She hears am noises…
: How r u baby.. papa is too bored without u… Cm fast to papa ok…
Sh okivaay was down… Talking to the baby..
An: shiv..
She sits down..
Sh: yes..
An: um.. baby.. u stay inside only near to mamma…
Sh: baby u shuld cm out fast… Ok…
An: shiv.. vr getting late let go..
Shivika hv their BF.. and go to SE..
————————————————– Rumya’s bedroom ————————————————–
Sau: Ru.. I will b leaving tmrw to mom’s place.. u wanna join..
Ru: okay..
————————————————– Australia night time ————————————————–
Gauri wakes up finding no Omkara..
G: we did Om go…
She goes out of the room.. she sees a room light on.. she goes in.. she sees…
Many paint cans lying on the floor and a very huge canvas in the center. Om was painting but he wasn’t able to paint… He fled the presence of Gauri…
Om: Umi.. what happened??? Y did u get up…
G: wht happened Om..
Om: oh nothing just practing so that I don’t lose the touch of paint..
G: Om.. u know paint ek Kala nahi junoon hai.. ye junoon Kisi mein paida nahi ki junoon ye junoon Apne aap mein ek junoon Hoga hai…
Om: okay my dr…. Now go to sleep…
G: u also cm..

Precap: 5 mnths leap…

To know what drama is going to take place in 5 months.. stay tuned.. till then stay safe.. stay happy…😘😘😘😘

Signing off Ani shergil….. 

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