Wednesday, May 30, 2018

My life is your smile (ek deewana tha ff) chapter – 15 radhika is sharanya

Part :- 15..

Radhika comes to her room…
She locked her room inside ….
She goes to washroom and open the shaver and cries a lot…

Ek deewana tha plays….
kk and radhika

Radhika :- I’m sorry kk … I’m hurting you … i always hurts you…


“Wow… what a great news for me only i got big opportunity to participate for some other’s name…”
One girl is in angry mood….
Her friend called her from behind …

“Radhika ….”

Radhika turns …..

Nikita Dutta as Radhika in flashback …
Radhika in flashback with kk

Ra:-don’t call me as radhika … now my name change as sharanya …

(The friend is non other than anu who is the sister if anshi friend)


Ra:- yes.. anu… you didn’t know… when we arrived america i think I’ll get award in my name and return to London but know i think only name of sharanya got this.. they make id as sharanya for competition list and everything …

Anu:-chill dear..

Radhu :-how..

Academy. Member :- madam.. sorry this mistake happen by us… two weeks you use this id to enter.. after that we will change.. only practice happen in this period …

Ra:-ok… what tell me how’ll it happened

A.m:-madam … before your admission one girl from never submit her photo by mistake your form photo attached with her application so her details in here… when competition start head officer come also that time we’ll solves else our work will gone please …

Ra:-it’s ok.. but that sharanya ..

A.m:-she cancelled the admission ..

Ra:-ok.. anu looks at my bad luck..

Anu:-it’s good luck yar..


An:-see that id… she is senior section competitive and we’ll enjoy her benefits and also teasing our junior ..

R:-not bad…

They make hi-fi….

……………..Flashback …ends….

Radhu :-(crying looks at kk picture) I’m sorry kk… I’m your sharanya who return from London for you…
Now my face is changed ..
My behavior changed as calm girl…(smile sadly)
When i see you i fall with you as first time and became child.
You know i looks aki make friendship but he also don’t know I’m sharanya ….
That id card changed my life .. make my sad love story …
Now i return here to change the story and make you like before and unite with you..
I cheated you in past and cheated by my self….
Now I’m come as the one who you like …. i changed… everyone changed me when you leave me a loan ….
Now also you ,akash and your family got problems because of me.. but i promise I’ll never allow this happen next time …
My family will shock if now my feeling but they will never reject my wish …
You know kk every night i keep dreaming about you and think about our incident and i prepared how I’ll propose you..
I became mad and live as we are meet first time and i falls in you first time.. I’m mad like you saying.
(She laugh painfully)
I’ll make our secret love story as lovable one…

She kiss his picture and hugs that tightly ..

..ek…deewana……background ….


In car parking …

Shivani hugs akash and pacify him…

Both are in tears..

Sh:- please don’t cry … please don’t cry aki… I’m sorry … I’m sorry .. I’m bad… i didn’t mean to hurts you … I’m mad…

Aki:-(realise from hug) you know how much love my brothers my family if my loving person hurting my family is unimaginable for me…

Shi:- i promise i didn’t mean this but bhaiya … i only show this as fun and comments as fun but bhaiya (in mind i didn’t want to confused you by tell about the fack one )

Aki:-I’ll never thought you’re careless in my feelings…

He turns…

Shivi in sad…

She is about to touch her some goons around her…


Aki turns and shocks to see them.


In varun office ….

Varun in full thought …
He think about kk and radhu incident and remember how shivi changed her statement …

In flashback ….

When he come from police station with radhu …

Va:-(with glares) before 03 year we are got you with difficult we are spare many sad thing but know you again go behind him…. shivi don’t know anything we don’t want to share this bad luck or the person who cheated you… but you forget everything …

Ra:- because i love him…

Varun stops the car with shock..
Turn towards her…

Ra:- i hope him… i believe him bhaiya …. i love him..

V:- after you suffered everything?

R:- he also suffered …


R:-my life is only him … with out him everything got hell for me…

Varun in tear ..

R:-(she keep her hands over his head) i promise I’ll save my self … I’ll return my love please support me…please give me one more change … he or i never now each other now… please allow me live my life…

Varun nods sadly ..

Radhu keep varun hands over her head..

R:-promise me you will never tells my past to any Gupta members or their relative and shivi … and please support me to convince papa and mamma…

Varun smiles and promise her…

They hug… and cry…

Varun :- your important for us don’t do fault again …

She nods…


Varun :-(tears troll from his eyes)
In mind.. why you make me helpless by your promise radhu …

Anshi enters to his cabin followed by security …

Varun sign security to leave …

An:- how dare you to beat my brother … you want revenge from him for me na….

Va:- no.. anshi i didn’t know your or arjun’s brother is him….

An:-don’t lies to me … when anami announced me about kk and asked me to come home … i didn’t go there only come here to settle our past score …

Varun :- (with naughty smile ) aww … still you remember our past na..

An:-don’t smile like this and lies to me… i know you beat kk for our past only..

Varun :- no… anshi i beat him for (remember his promise) some other misunderstanding ..

An:-I’ll never believe you….

Varun rush to her and hold her tightly and look at her eyes ..

Va:-looks at my eyes and tells me if I’m lies.

They looks each other…
Varun and anshi



Akash in shock…

Aki:-shivi … who is them..(he’s back to his fearing mood)

Shivi looks at them.

Shi:-mmm.. my neighbors ..
A:-Then why they around me..
S:-oh god… aki.. they are goon…

G:-hey… submit your academy land papers to me else I’ll kill you…

Sh:-(shout) aki .. don’t remove that papers from your back…

Now goons around aki…

Aki in confused …

G:- give me that paper else..

Aki:-hey i didn’t have anything ..

Shivi slowly comes to car and get the bag that gave papers …

G:- if you refuse then..

Aki:-(in irritating) hey idiot I’m not have anything …

Goon gets angry.

G:- how dare you? Me Idiot.

The goon is about to slap him..
Shivi holds his hand and kick him in air..
She holds his hand…
She leaves with him ..
They running from goons and goos are following them…

Akash looks lovingly at her hand that hold his hand ..
akash and shivani

………dil….plays in background …

Sh:-run fast aki….

They run fast …

Episode ends with their running scene ..

Precap:-radhu parents look at kk and became shock…

(A/N:-sorry for some typing mistakes….keep commenting your wishes guys love you all😘😘😘😘😘😘)

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