Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Three Shot Competition (Level 3 ) Entry 4

Last SHOT:

Is really a daughter is burden on the father??

I wasn’t able understand that what he is trying to say…


What kabir what are you saying what I did with you 15 years ago.


He laughed its good first make fool to others than pretend to be innocent…it’s really good…he was speaking in drunken state…I was holding him then he freed himself from my grip.


I was shocked what he meant by this??


Look kabir please tell me in clear words what do you mean??


Okay if you want to listen then listen?? He came near to me and pinned me in the wall…you are saying that you didn’t did anything. What was happened on that day when 15 years ago I came to your home to meet to you then you said to your mom that you don’t want to see my face, you are regretting to become by friend… You are hating me from core of your heart… even you broke my favorite toy that I gave you as a friend.. You don’t want to keep any contact with me.. you forgot it haan?? Tell me… What I did with you?? That you did with me that…I came there to meet to you I came there to hug you…I came to give you my address my phone number because we were friends na BFF (best friends forever) right?? Then why you did like that with me.


I was completely dumbstruck…Even I didn’t understand what he was saying??


Ka…Kabiii Kabir what..what aa are youuu saying?? You came to my home but when?? I said all this to whom?? I don’t know when you made visit at my home..


Ohh come on Saanchi…he leaved me…don’t tell that you don’t know about all this…he moved and drink more.


I went to besides him and snatched his bottle of wine… kabir trust me I don’t know about it..


He became more angry on me…. trust on you…okay let’s assume that you are right…he held my hand and shows ring on my finger..  Then what is this??


I saw the ring then him….kabir this..


Have u any answer?? He leaved my hand. And took two step back.


Saanchi you cheated on me…yes you cheated on me…


No kabir that isn’t true… I don’t know about it…I was crying in front of him..


He came near to me and removed my tears…I looked at him…kabir..

.shuu Saanchi you don’t know but I can’t tolerate tears in your eyes….he said so innocently… because he was in drunk state…


Kabir trust me…please.

But Saanchi…why are you crying?? If you are innocent you told me na that true peoples never crying.

I shocked he still remembered my words.

But kabir when you came my house please tell me whole Story.

But what will you do after listing all this…Now you are engaged to someone else na??

But kabir why are you effect from this thing??

Don’t you even know??


Just leave it…

No kabir I want to hear…why you are effect from my engagement…

He held my shoulders and pinned me in the wall…Because…..he stopped

I could easily feel his breathes because what kabir??

Because I LOVE YOU damm it.

I was shocked… What??

Yes I love you…not now but from childhood.

What?? But why you didn’t told it me before..

I came your home for tell you that I Love You and I don’t want to go. But my dad is forcing to go…that’s why I have to go but I want to give you my address and my phone number. From that we can contact to each other.

But when I reached your home then your Mom said that you weren’t wanted to meet me…you were hating me…and you were regretting to become my friend and you didn’t wanted to keep any type of contact with me.


After listing all this tears welled from my eyes…kabir mummy said all this??




Kabir I want to ask from my mummy that why she did that??


She was knew that I only loves you then she did that.


What?? You lovess me??


Yes kabir not now but since childhood..




Yes kabir see that locket…I show him his locket. He wondered..


Saanchi this is mine. He said in excited tone…I thought I lost it…this is mine lucky charm…


Yes kabir…I knew that this is your lucky charm that’s why I kept it. And I was waiting for that day when I will meet you and give you this locket.


Saanchi this is really my lucky charm see through this lucky charm I met to my life, to you Saanchi…because my life is you Saanchi I Love you Saanchi…He hugged me…just then Ranveer entered.


We broke hug…

Ra…Ranveer… I uttered.


Saanchi not need to tell me anything I heard everything…and I don’t want to separate two LoveBirds.


We both looked at each other…


Yes kabir and Saanchi you know guys pairs made in heaven and god made me cupid to meet you a long live lovebirds. And I am really happy to become cupid in your Love story… (Laughs) Thanks to our writer.


Then we both hugged Ranveer went from there silently.


After some days we reached at our house in village…


Where my mom shocked to see us together…. She asked me… Saanchi who is he?? And what are you doing here?? Where is Ranveer?? You went with him na so with whom you back?? She asked questions by questions over us..


Mummy don’t you know him??

She looked at him..

You kabir?.


Yes I’m kabir..


But what are you doing here??


Saanchi you came with him.. Don’t you know that what he did with you??


I remained silent and my eyes were over her..


Oh I understand…. means you got to know the truth… right?? She understood herself without saying any word from us.


Mummy if you are understand then tell me why did you that?? I’m your daughter na?? mom after that you did that… please tell me please Mom please..


You are not my daughter first of all and I did that just because of his father warned me to do that… you got it…. she yelled on the top.


I was hell shocked after hearing that… kabir too…


Aunty papa said that?? He puzzled.


I’m not your daughter?? Mom it’s not true… you are my Mom isn’t true??


No it’s true that you are not my daughter but you are your father’s daughter…he brought you when you born and your mom died during your birth..  Your father cheated on me…


That’s not true.. I was crying like a baby that wants something.


Kabir consoled me… Kabir mom Jo keh Rahin hain woh Sach nahii hai…


Yes Saanchi calm down plz stop crying.. Please… come stand…we were about to go…


Stop… she stopped us…we turned back… while going don’t you want to hear your father’s deeds??


We were silent..


So listen…. 15 years ago by seeing your blooming friendship… He scared lil bit…if this friendship turned into love then?? He decided to separate you by leaving this village forever he came to me and warned me… either I will control my daughter or he will harm us drastically.


I was agreed to separate both you for secure to my house… what I did wrong in that??


Kabir smiled… You will get to know soon..


We leaved the village… And settled Mumbai kabir confronted his father and leaved his house we got married soon from our hard work we established a Cancer Hospital named Sunil Mishra cancer Treatment college and Hospital (SMCTCH).. Now you are seeing with the blessings of my father what is the Position of this Hospital..


Anchor: Well Daughter here is someone wants to meet you.


She smiled really who??


A man with an old lady entered in the interview hall…a beautiful smile appeared on Dr. Saanchi’s face..


Kabir with Mummy… she stands and went to her…Mom


Jaya came and apologized from her..


Please forgive me Saanchi I was so fool.. I didn’t understand you… You are really able child of your father… Every daughter have to right of feel proud of her father… What daughter what son?? If you have strength and courage then no matter of gender…. I’m sorry beta I’m really sorry..


No mom please you are my mom and I’m your daughter… And it’s not suits on any mother that who apologize from her daughter..


I love you Mom your place is in my heart.. They hugged… Kabir smiled.


The End.


So guys this was it hope you all like it….

Bye Luv u all.


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