Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 30th May 2018 Written Episode Update: Kanha takes all sunrays in his body.

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 30th May 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with kanha sitting on a rock. Kanha says I have to save everyone, I shall take the sun’s rays into my body, this way everyone will be safe and nothing will happen to my body too. kanha sits and he opens his mouth, all the scattered sunrays start coming inside kanha’s body as he opens his mouth and takes the sun rays. Yog maya comes there and she sees kanha, she says paramavatar shri Krishna, you are my brother and you have saved my home as well as everyone. Yog maya says but I am your sister, I will save you and everyone and do what I can do in my power. Yog maya gos to vindhyachal.
There kansa sees that the temperature of heat decreases over khatri mountain, he sees sun rays are not falling over the mountain. Kansa gets angry and says pralapt, janur you both will go on the mountain and see what is happening, this Vishnu will never change, he will always use his cheap tricks. Kansa says both go and find what is happening and find yog maya, if you come without anything, I will kill you both. Pralapt and janur go scared.
Yog maya goes to vindhyachal and vindhyachal says see who it is, khatri mountain’s yog maya. Yog maya says vindhyachal, I have seen enough of your adharmi sins that you are doing, get back to your normal size, because of this size, the people near khatri mountain are getting hurt and all trees and medicinal plants are dying. Vindhyachal says no I will not decrease my size, i want to be the king of mountains and for years I have seen people respect other mountains but not me, I will stay like this until I am made the king of mountains, and devi yog maya, it is in your power to make me king, so do it! Yog maya says vindhyachal, you have listened to kansa and are doing all this adharma, stop listening to him and following the path of adharma. Vindhyachal says kansa just made me realize who I truly am, I wont decrease my size. Yog maya gets angry and says you adharmi, vindhyachal you are egoistic of your powers, I will punish you for this. Vindhyachal is shocked. Yog maya becomes very huge in size as her head sticks out in space. Vindhyachal is shocked and scared. Yog maya keeps her leg on vindhyachal’s head and she pushes him down, vindhyachal screams in pain as he is pushed inside the earth. Yog maya comes to her normal size and says vindhyachal from today you wont be able to increase your size, I have pushed you inside patal lok and you will stay at this same position, this is your punishment for doing adharma.
There all people are inside cave and they stop screaming. A man says the temperature has decreased, my body is not burning now. Balram picks water pot and says yes indeed, the water is normal now. Balram gives everyone water to drink. Everyone is fine and they get up. Radha thinks where is kanha? I will find him. she goes to find kanha and then she comes out and sees kanha taking all sun rays inside his body.
There pralapt and janur come to khatri mountain’s border line and janur says even maharaj kansa couldn’t go inside the mountain because of this line, even we cannot. Pralapt says if we go behind, bhagwan will kill us so instead lets take his name and step in, both take kansa’s name and step inside the line. They come safely inside khatri mountain and are happy, both go ahead.
Radha is shocked and says here kanha made all people safe by taking the sunrays in his body. Radha calls kanha but he doesn’t respond. Radha goes near kanha and touches him but she falls down from the sudden burn on her finger and due to kanha’s hot body. Radha is shocked and she goes to all people and yashoda. Yashoda says where is kanha? Radha says kaki I found kanha, I saw him outside, his body was burning like fire and I touched him and fell down, kanha is in trouble. All people run as yashoda runs towards kanha.
There kanha sees vindhyachal has decreased its size and everything is normal. Kanha closes his mouth as sunrays become normal. Yashoda and all people come running and yashoda says kanha are you okay? Kanha hugs yashoda and says yes mother, what will happen to me? radha says kaki, he is lying I saw him, he was taking all sunrays inside his body and his body was burning like fire, I saw a fire ball inside his mouth. Kanha says mother look at me, is my body burning? This gopi always gets illusions. Radha says no kaki, it is like that time in gokul when kanha had eaten mud and you saw the entire universe inside his mouth. Yashoda is shocled.

Precap: kanha makes panchamrit to treat the burns of villagers but they instead vomit it and have more pain. Yog maya says kanha we cannot give them panch amrit, instead they need the medicine from plants of khatri mountain but those plants have been taken captive by kansa. Kansa takes all medicinal plants captive.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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