Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Mehrya My version Part 83

Part 83 30/05/2018

The next morning Mehak and Shaurya wakes up and get ready. Shaurya kept his crooked grin and Mehak found it amusing as he is stealing glances in between as both having their breakfast at the coffee house at the hotel. Mehak asked why are you seeing me like this Shaurya don’t stare at me I feel uncomfortable. Shaurya didn’t stop but kept looking at her in the same manner again. Mehak smiles shakes her head and gets up to the buffet station to get something. She collided with the girls she met last night who bullied her. Mehak apologized and moved on but the girls was upset because of Mehak, Sakshi went against them. They wanted to teach her a lesson again for messing with them. They want to drop the food plate on her but Shaurya who came to buffet station to get something saw Mehak was slightly tensed so he moved to her to check if everything fine. He called Mehak and she turn to see him. The girls smiled like idiots seeing him and went away as they say bye Mehak. Shaurya felt a bit weird and he accompanied Mehak back to the table and asked is everything alright , who are the girls, the way they stare as if never seen men in their life he said as he feed her some food. Mehak don’t want him to know the incident so she just looked down at her food and said they are Sakshi’s friends we met at the party. If you met them at the party why are you like nervous and kind of not happy look? She didn’t see him but just say is nothing Shaurya you are just imagining things. He was not convinced and asked her to see his eyes, he called her Mehak look at me, she can feel the authority in his voice and slowly lift her head and looked at him, she asked him to finish his food first then she will tell him, he push the plate slightly to hers and said I will not eat till you tell me, she knows Shaurya is very adamant and he will do as he said and she unwillingly have to tell him of the last night event. She told from the spa incident and the dinner incident. His eyebrows furrowed in anger and his face redden. He fisted him palm as his elbow rested on the seat, he looked away from Mehak to other direction.

She called him Shaurya, please look at me, he didn’t turn to see her immediately but after her hand touch on his other hand he calm down a bit and looked at her.  He asked her if they treated her such why you kept quiet and cried, why you don’t give them fitting reply Mehak. How can someone speak about my wife?  She told him in calm voice let them to say anything they want, what all matters is that you don’t think of me such thing and even Sakshi was nice to me. We came for their wedding and don’t want to create scene here also your reputation matters here please don’t get angry for my sake, she talks to him calmly as she rub her thumb on his hand. He melted and anger cooled down after she said please for my sake don’t do anything. She asked him to smile but he refuse to smile, she teased him if you keep be angry like this than you will have wrinkles soon and not handsome anymore, his little smile sprouted on his lips and Mehak asked him to eat quickly. He asked her to feed with her own hand. She asked in here in surprise tone, he nodded if you don’t than I won’t eat as well. She pressed her lips as she smile and feed him the food said Shaurya after breakfast can we go and visit the temple too. He nodded and ask her to finish first they will go. From very far the girls who teased Mehak was watching them at the coffee house and grumbling.  Shaurya gets up after wiping his mouth with the napkin, he enveloped Mehak to his side and he looked around for the girls, he purposely walked towards them with Mehak at his side. Mehak didn’t realize they are walking to them. Still in the same trance, Shaurya started hi girls, it wasn’t nice to meet you all at all, if you have been a men I would have dislocated your limbs and bashed up your faces for saying nasty things to my precious wife. Since you all are some Sss…. (sl*t) But he didn’t finish his sentence I am staying away and one more thing , we are here for Rahul and Sakshi’s wedding that’s why my Mehak didn’t say anything or else in normal circumstances she would have given what you all deserve. Mehak tries to stop him from talking further but it’s no use as he already attacked them and spit the venom on them. The girls were horrified of what just happened in front of them, one of them asked did Shaurya Khanna just said we are sl*t? The other girls are still in state of shock and couldn’t able to form any words due to Shaurya’s castigation.

As Mehak pulls Shaurya away from the restaurant out she bring him to a corner and looked at him in disbelief of what he said. He looked as if nothing happens, she asked him what did you just did Shaurya, he looked at her and asked what did I do baby, nothing come lets go you said you want to go to temple right? She stopped him and asked what did you tell the girls? He sighed and said I just told what they are Mehak and now don’t start and spoil our today mood. How can you tell someone such word, it’s so cruel. He gripped her arms and said in this world if another woman thinks ill for another woman and wants to cause harm what can we say sorry I can’t find my right vocabulary in the midst of anger so I said it. To me you are the only purest girl and no one can change that. Mehak looked at him and both tried to calm down themselves and Shaurya said I am sorry can we go to temple now. Mehak nodded and he hold by her waist and get to the lobby to board the car to the temple.

Both went to the temple and prayed. After spending some time seeing the exterior of the temple and Mehak suggested to do some donation he obeyed her. They sat at the temple’s Lake Stairs as they see worshippers performing prayers and some are having bath there. Shaurya asked Mehak saw you praying long time what did you pray, she cling to his arm and said I asked for your happiness and your anger should go away and for everyone’s wellbeing at home. If everyone are happy I am the happiest person. She rested her head on his arm. He admired her selflessness thought and how she always prioritize others. They spend more time at the temple and walk around the town. Mehak enjoyed the local food there before heading to the hotel and get ready for the evening wedding and night reception party.

p/s: Dear All I am posting this short part as many requested for Shaurya’s reaction on the chudails who belittled Mehak. So the long chapter will be posted later so please enjoy reading this part. 

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