Saturday, May 26, 2018


Hello friends, here comes the climax of life’s unexpected weird bond……Links 4 previous one if u guys have missed or forgotten the story….

Pls read all parts and kindly drop your views…….

Let’s continue the story…..My Ikrs lovers….

Viplav lifts Dhaani in his arms and brings her to hospital…..After some time, dhaani regains her consciousness and dhaani slowly opened her eyes…..

Viplav : Dhaani!!!

Dhaani : [ finds hard to speak as the wound was deeper] Viplav, wooh……

Viplav : Sh!!!! [viplav keeps his fingers on dhaani’s lips] No need to say anything…….Don’t take much strain to talk……..U needs rest……

Nurse : Excuse me, she needs further check up…..U may please …..

Viplav : Yeah sure, [viplav gets up from chair and stands at a corner……]

Doctor arrives and checks Dhaani…….

Doctor : Sister, take that syringe…..

Dhaani : Syringe!!! [dhaani screams] No doctor…….U pls give me tablet…..I am ready to swallow ♣ any kind of bitter tablet…..But injection……..Pls doctor……

Doctor : Don’t worry, It will take just two seconds only……

Dhaani : Two seconds!!! Two seconds , my life will……[dhaani starts coughing……]

Viplav rushes near dhaani and holds her hands……Viplav : I told u naa u should not take strain…….Keep quiet…..

Dhaani stares viplav’s eyes and signs “she can’t bear injection”….Viplav pats dhaani’s cheek and nods his head….

Viplav looks at doctor : Doctor, no need of any injection…….My dhaani doesn’t likes it…….

Doctor : But viplav, it’s necessary……Else it can affect your wife’s health…….doctor holds syringe….

Dhaani : Viplav…no…….[dhaani shuts her eyes and tighten’s her fingers on viplav’s shirt]

Viplav : Dhaani, nothing…….Okay…..[viplav holds dhaani close 2 his chest and signs doctor 2 do his work, by extending dhaani’s hand]

Doctor injects and dhaani screams…..”Ah……”

Doctor : Now she is fine….You can take her home by tomorrow…

Viplav : Thanks doctor….[ doctor and nurse leaves]

Dhaani gently opens her eyes and stares viplav……

Viplav : It’s done…..No need of worry……My brave jhansi ki raani!!! I can’t believe this u feel scared of this injection……There that bad guy had caught u in his knife’s grip and you didn’t show any fear….Why ?

Dhaani : I was actually feeling fear, but I didn’t show it as I saw u was worried for me……And u said naa, at your duty time you don’t wants any thing that disturbs you….If i would have scared, then you would not have shoot that guy……..[dhaani breaks her words as she finds viplav getting emotional] What happened ??

Viplav : You know what first time, I felt my heart is been separated from me……I was feeling so nervous that I was not able to take a step ahead……..When that knife’s edge was on your neck, I was hell shocked….My one step, what will be the consequence??? I was confused….

Dhaani : I was able 2 see that in your eyes as from heart u was feeling much heavy…….Then I didn’t bothered about myself, because I was confident that You will surely save me and that’s why I said come viplav and catch this guy which provoked that guy 2 attack me……And I know once you will be in action, you will never look back……

Viplav : Why ??

Image result for viplav dhaani

Dhaani : Because you are my sweet….”KHADOOS INSPECTOR” [ Dhaani pinches viplav”s cheeks]

Viplav : And you are my Lovely BHEEGI BILLI…..OOPS….JHANSI KI RANI”

They share an eyelock…..”Mere Ishq ka rang safed hein yaara……ishq ka rang safed……” plays….

After 1 month……

At vidha’s room [ The room is decorated with candles, flowers and satin ribbons]

Image result for viplav dhaani

Dhaani was waiting eagerly for viplav’s arrival…….She stared the photoframe of viplav and kisses on it…..

Viplav : You will give sweet kiss 2 that photo only, what about your husband ??

Dhaani stares viplav and bows her head as she was feeling shyness…..

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Viplav comes close 2 dhaani and holds her from behind…..

Dhaani : Viplav, leave me…

Viplav : No, U are under the custody of inspector viplav tripathi, You can’t leave …….

Dhaani closes her eyes and leans on viplav’s body…..Viplav gently removed her curly hair which were entangled on her ear rings……Dhaani tightly hugged viplav and whisphered in his ear…”I love you”

Viplav : Haan….I didn’t heard it, darling……

Dhaani : Don’t be so naughty, Now a days u have changed a lot…..

Viplav : Me!!! Is it ?? [viplav released dhaani from his hug]

Dhaani : Remember the day, when we were married…….You were so rough and tough……But that night itself, U melted like ice…..I was surprised to see both shades of you at that day….That goon, scratch……

Viplay : Dhaani [ viplav keeps his finger on dhaani’s lip] Pls, don’t remind those things…….Seriously I don’t know how we faced it……

Dhaani : U know what, when I was in your arms, I was feeling so happy, when my head was on ur chest, I heard ur heart’s beat and it told me that what you feels for me……

Viplav : Is it??? Then tell me what my heart told you ??

Dhaani : No ways…..I said it now only……

Viplav : Dhaani, don’t know why, sometimes I feel pain on ears and I am not able 2 hear anything…….Not only ears, in eyes also…..I feels like am not able 2 see anything…….

Dhaani : Viplav, It’s a big prblm…….U definitely need medicine……Shut ur eyes…

Viplav : Why ??

Dhaani : No more questions, it’s jhansi rani’s order…

Viplav : Okay, your majesty….[viplav shuts his eyes]

Dhaani smiles and moves close to viplav…

Image result for dhaani and viplav

She slowly touches viplav’s cheeks and kisses on viplav’s left eye…..Viplav holds dhaani’s hand and points his right eyes….Dhaani smiles again and kisses on viplav’s right eye also…..

Dhaani : So how’s the medicine ??

Viplav : It’s nice…But my pain has just reduced only, it needs a full recovery……

Dhaani : Really !!! [viplav nods his head, dhaani smiles and kisses respectively on viplav’s cheeks]…….Now u can open ur eyes…..Ur pain is healed now….

Viplav : Not at all…….[viplav opens his eyes and stares dhaani’s eyes…..] It has not fully gone….

Dhaani : See, I have given the medicine and that’s enough…

Viplav : It’s an injustice, your majesty……This patient’s pain hasn’t gone……

Dhaani : Inspector Khadoos, sorry…..But the stock of medicine has finished…….U have 2 wait for it patiently, my khadoos patient……

Viplav :  [ viplav holds dhaani close 2 him] Sorry, But I don’t have that much patience, jhansi ki raani……

Image result for dhaani viplav kiss

Viplav slowly raised his lips 2 kiss on dhaani’s lips…..But dhaani kept her hand on viplav’s lips …..They stare each other’s eyes passionately……..Viplav slowly removed dhaani’s hand and touches her waist……Dhaani feels heavenly…….He slowly lifts dhaani’s chin and turns his lips towards her lips….Dhaani shuts her eyes and keeps her hand on viplav’s shoulder…. Their lips were ready to lock, but soon a phone call interrupted the moment and vidha stays back in their positions…..

Viplav attends the call and stares dhaani…….

Dhaani : What happened ?

Viplav : [viplav hugs dhaani] I need 2 go…..

Dhaani : Oh, It’s an emergency…….

Viplav : Dhaani, I am sorry…….Today also……

Dhaani : It’s okay, viplav……In love patience is very necessary…….I will wait for you……….Because once you will return, you are going 2 hold me in your arms and that moment will be more and more special 2 us………Okay……

Viplav : Dhaani, U are my strength…….Actually ur trust makes me 2 get succeed in my work……A salute 2 my jhansi ki raani….[viplav salutes dhaani] So, now I need 2 leave…..

Dhaani : Okay, Inspector Viplav Tripathi…….[dhaani takes viplav’s uniform from the table and handovers it] Go and get ready……

Viplav nods his head ….

Scene shifts 2 the entrance of ayodhya nivas…..

Viplav sits at the jeep and stares dhaani…..

Dhaani : Don’t worry…..Today I will not sit in your jeep….

Viplav : Why ?? Today u will not feel scared ??

Dhaani : I will feel scare, but if u will give me medicine, then I can overcome it…..

Viplav smiles and kisses dhaani’s forehead and cheeks…….”Shall I ? “… Dhaani nods her head….

Viplav : By the way u said something in my ear, what was that ??

Dhaani : [dhaani touches viplav’s palm and places it on his chest] Better, u ask 2 ur heart…..It will tell u…..

Viplav : I know, it’s full of you……..And …….I heard it also…..

Dhaani : Really, What was that ??

Viplav : Ask 2 ur heart, it will tell u…..[viplav smiles]

Dhaani : I have also heard it…….

Viplav and Dhaani stare each other’s eyes……..Viplav gets a msg in his phone….

Viplav : This prabhakar is just…….

Dhaani : Inspector Viplav, It’s duty time……

Viplav : I know Jhansi Ki Raani……Bye…..

Dhaani : Bye…..Viplav……

Viplav leaves….Dhaani waves her hand and stares him…..BGM….”Ishq ke rang mein rang gaya….Usse Koi Rang naa Vaa……Mere Ishq Ka Rang Safed Hein Yaara….Ishq Ka Rang Safed….” Plays…….


AN : So it’s done…. The unexpected weird bond finally turned as the bond of love and trust……I hope you guys liked the story……And lalitha, janice……I have messaged sujiee and has conveyed our IKRS family’s regards also…….She hasn’t replied yet…….I hope she will reply soon and once if i finds any msg from sujiee,I will surely inform u guys……. Thanks 2 all my readers who read, liked, commented and supported my articles in this IKRS Page…….




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