Saturday, May 26, 2018

ISHKARA FF-Life Found Love Once Again-Chapter 94

I’m really very sorry for the late update… Actually, I’m going to out of country next week and now I’m very busy with my office works and travelling preparation… I want to end this FF before I leave but I don’t know if I can end this before I leave… I don’t want to end in hurry by leaving any loopholes… That’s why I dragged it this long…




Gauri’s mother is shocked to hear that Omkara is getting married again… Omkara is waiting for her to say something but she remains silent…

Om: Maaji, why are you not saying anything??

Gauri’s mom: I don’t know what to say, damaad ji… If you are happy, then I’m fine with it… (Omkara is about to say something) Annika beta, I’m very tired because of traveling… (Omkara could feel that she doesn’t like him to getting remarry… He signs at Annika and she nods understanding him)

Annika: I will take you to your room… (Annika takes Gauri’s mother from there…)

Om: (looks at ShivRu) Shivaay, she is not agreeing wholeheartedly…

Shivaay: We can see that, Om… But, don’t worry… She will agree soon…

Om: How Shivaay?? Our rasam is in evening… Ishana will be coming here… She will be hurt if she knows that maa ji is not agreeing wholeheartedly…

Rudra: O, why are you worrying?? Maa ji haven’t meet Ishana bhabhi yet… She will definitely like bhabhi if she sees her face to face… After all, who don’t like my Ishana bhabhi?? She has won your heart and it’s not hard to win Maa ji’s heart…

Soumya: I think Rudra is right… Let them meet first… If she still feeling the same, we will think of other way… (All nod their heads)

Shivaay: Chabras must have reached Raichand Mansion… We don’t know what is going on there… (All look at each other)



The Chabras are looking at Ishana and others in shock… Chaya smiles after a while making everyone confused…

Chaya: Finally, you have decided to get married… I am very glad… You know, Ishana?? I always worried about your life and pray that you should get back your lost happiness…

Mr Chabra: What are you saying, Chaya?? Ishana is going to get married is a happy news for me… But, she is going to marry an Oberoi… That is what I’m worrying… Have you forgotten what they did few years back?? How much they have humiliated Dev and us?? How if they did the same for Ishana too?? They will give importance for someone’s blood and background than their character…

Reyaan: Dad, that was before… They are not like that anymore… And, Omkara is not that type of person at all…

Savi: Reyaan beta is right… He loves Ishu a lot… I can see the depth of his love for Ishu in his eyes… He won’t let her down at any cost… The destiny snatched Dev from Ishu and has send Omkara for her… Trust me, beta… Omkara is not less than Dev…

Arjun: Not only Omkara, everyone in the Oberois love Ishu very much and they wished her to be their family’s bahu…

Mr Chabra: But, I heard that Omkara is already married…

Karan: But his wife is no more in this world, uncle… (The Chabras look at them in shock) She died in an accident few years back…

Karthik: Om and Ishu maa’s situation is almost same… Both of them have lost their love in their life and were facing the same pain… They become healer for each other pain… The destiny already decided they have to become one… You would have understand if you have seen them since their first meet…

Chaya: (cups Ishana’s face) Ishana’s happiness is important for us… If she is happy, then it’s ok… Ishana, are you happy with this marriage?? (Ishana smiles shyly) Haww!!! She is blushing… Then, what are we waiting for?? Start the wedding preparations immediately and we only will leave after Ishana’s wedding…

Mr Chabra: When will be the rituals??

Sid: Both of them already get engaged due to some circumstances… We will have chunri rasam for them this evening and will continue with other ceremonies like mehndi, sangeet and haldi… (The Chabras smile nodding their heads)

Savi: Ok… Three of you go and rest for a while… (Looks at NiTiMi) Take them to their rooms… (NiTiMi nod and about to take them)

Chaya: (looks at Madhu) Who is this girl??

Arjun: Our sister, Madhu… (Madhu takes blessings from them)

Ishu: (hugs Madhu’s shoulder) Aunty, she is the one having Dev’s heart… (The Chabras look at Madhu with tear filled eyes…) Since then, she is staying with us… (Chaya cups Madhu’s face and kisses her forehead)

Chaya: Our son, Dev is still alive inside you… Ishana did a good job by donating his organs… I’m proud of you, Ishana… (Ishana just smiles…) See you in a while, Madhu… (Leaves with NiTiMi…)

Reyaan: (goes to Madhu) So, Madhu right??

Karthik: (who is standing beside Madhu) That’s what Ishu maa said just now I guess…

Reyaan: Beautiful name… Just like the person… (Madhu smiles feeling embarrassed) By the way, nice meeting you Ms Madhu… (Extends his hand… Madhu about to hold his hand but Karthik pushes her hand and holds Reyaan’s hand)

Karthik: (shakes Reyaan’s hand) Very very nice meeting you, Reyaan… (Hugs his shoulder) You must be very tired… Come, I will show your room… You can rest first… (Takes Reyaan from there… All burst into laughter after they went except Madhu)

Ranveer: Karthik is jealous…

Madhu: No, bhaiya… He is not jealous… (All give a teasing look to her…) If you are teasing me like this, then I will leave from here…

Ranveer: (holds her) No… No… My darling sister, we are having function tonight… You can’t sulk like this… (Tickles her and she laughs… They look at Ishana who is looking worried)

Swet: What happened, Ishu??

Ishu: They still don’t aware of my marriage with Dev… How we are going tell them??

Arjun: They just came, Ishu… We will tell them later… (Side hugs Ishana’s arm)



At the lawn

ShivOmRu and SidArRanRaDuKaKar gathered there…

Shivaay: I’m really glad that Dev’s parents agree with Ishu’s marriage with Om… I thought they won’t agree… I had hurt them very much…

Sid: Ishu’s happiness is important for them… Dev’s father opposed at first but his wife manage to convince him… (ShivOmRu smile)

Arjun: But, they still don’t know about Ishu’s marriage with Dev… We don’t have the guts to tell them…

Om: Don’t tell them now… We will tell them after today’s event…

Karan: Om, how about Gauri’s mother??

Om: She said that if I’m happy with the marriage, then she has no problem… But, I felt she is not very happy with my decision… Even though she didn’t give birth to Gauri, she is the one raised her… So, it’s quite hard for her to see someone else in her daughter’s place…

Dush: Then, how Om?? Your rituals are starting from today…

Om: Don’t worry, Robin… I know about her… Her heart is very soft… She will definitely like Ishana if she meets her… They are going to meet in a while… Let’s see what will happen… (They nod their heads) Now, go back and get ready for today’s function… Everything is ready, right??

Shivaay: Little more work left but we will finish it soon… (Raichands guys nod and leave from there)

Shivaay: Om, do you think that Gauri’s mother will accept Ishana??

Om: She will accept her, Shivaay… If she get to know about Ishana’s past, she will accept her but I don’t want to tell her now… If I tell her now, she will accept Ishana because of sympathy… I don’t want that… I want her to accept her wholeheartedly and I want her to tell me that I won’t get a better wife than her… That’s why I didn’t tell her anything about Ishana’s past… (ShivRu smile proudly at him)

Shivaay: Can I get a hug from you??

Om: Sure… Do you need any permission?? (ShivOm hug)

Rudra: Obro moment without me?? Too bad… (Pretends to sulk… ShivOm slap his head…)

Om: Drama queen!! Come here… (Pulls Rudra into the hug)


Evening at Oberoi Mansion

Everyone are busy with the preparation… The Raichands reach there with the Chabras… The Oberois go to the entrance and look at the Chabras in guilt…

Shivaay: (folds his hands) Sorry is a small word for what I did to you all last time… I wished there is any other way to rectify my deed…

Mr Chabra: There is a way for you to rectify your deed, Shivaay… (The Oberois look at him) Take a good care of Ishana after she married your brother… (The Oberois smile)

Shivaay: That will be for sure… In fact, you don’t have to tell us this… We all love her very much…

Pinky: Corrects… She is always my diamond girls… If anyone say anything to her, I will do Oh, my maata of them… (All laugh… Mr Chabra hug Shivaay and they enter the house)

Reyaan: Hi, Soumya!! It’s been long time we didn’t meet… How do you do??

Soumya: (smiles) I’m good, Reyaan… How about you??

Reyaan: Superb!!

Soumya: Reyaan, I need to talk to you something… Can we go that side??

Reyaan: Sure… (About to leave with Soumya)

Rudra: Soumya, what are you going to talk with him??

Soumya: It’s secret… Will tell you later… (Leaves with Reyaan while Rudra turns in disappointment… Suddenly, Soumya comes and kisses his cheek making him stunned…) Don’t be over possessive Rudra Singh Oberoi… I won’t go away from you… (Winks at him and leaves from there)

Savi: Bhabhi, where is Gauri’s mother?? We haven’t see her yet…

Kalyani: Woh… She is little bit tired because of the train journey… She is resting in her room… Don’t worry, she will be here soon… (The Raichands smile…) Girls, take these both brides and help them to get ready for the rasam… (The girls agree and take IshPri with them…)


At the poolside

Soumya is talking with Reyaan at the poolside…

Reyaan: Soumya, seems like Rudra is very possessive about you…

Soumya: Life won’t be interesting if there is no possessiveness between husband and wife… (Reyaan smiles at her)

Reyaan: You are right… (After a while) Soumya, I can say your plan has started to work…

Soumya: How?? (He tells her something in mute… Soumya laughs and both of them have a high five… Rudra who is on the way to his room see both of them laughing…)

Rudra: What they are talking and why are they laughing??

Madhu is walking with the girls to the room when she heard Soumya calling her…

Madhu: (towards the girls) You all go first… I will come in a while… (The girls nod and leave to the room… Madhu walks towards Soumya…)

Rudra: Madhu?? Why Soumya called her?? (He continues watching the trio… Soumya says something which shocks Madhu…)

Madhu: What?? No… No… I can’t do this…

Soumya: Madhu, we have no other option than this… Please agree…

Reyaan: Yes, Madhu… Don’t worry… Nothing will go wrong…

Madhu: Let us tell to our family first… If they are ok with this, then I will agree…

Soumya: Don’t worry… We will do with their involvement only… (Karthik walks passing by the poolside and sees Rudra standing at a pillar watching something… He goes towards him and follows his gaze… He sees SouMa are laughing and chatting with Reyaan…)

Karthik: Why she is laughing with him?? (His sudden voice makes Rudra jerks a bit… Rudra turns to Karthik…)

Rudra: You?? Nothing, yaar… He is Soumya’s friend and they met after few years… That’s why they are talking and laughing together…

Karthik: Soumya’s friend must talk with Soumya… Why he has to get close with Madhu?? (Rudra could notice jealousy in his voice)

Rudra: Arrey, Madhu has a charm that can make anyone to get along with her easily… Why are you worrying?? Reyaan is a good guy… (Karthik is about to say something but Shivaay calls them that time…)

Shivaay: What you both are doing here?? There are some pending work… We need to finish before the function starts… (RuKar nod and leave with Shivaay)


Living Room

Gauri’s mother come and greet everyone…

Gauri’s mom: Namaste… I’m sorry for not welcoming you earlier…

Savi: It’s ok, putthar… It’s normal if we have travelled a long journey… (Gauri’s mother smiles at them…)

Gauri’s mom: (looks at Jhanvi) Where is damaad ji??

Jhanvi: He is in his room… (Looks at Soumya who is going with Madhu) Soumya!! (Soumya turns and goes to her) Soumya, take her to Om’s room… (Soumya nods and leaves from there with Gauri’s mother and Madhu)


ShivIka’s Room

Annika is searching for something in her cupboard…

Annika: Where I kept it?? (Try to think) Yes!! I kept it at the top row… (Looks above) How I will take it?? It’s too high… (Tries to reach using her hand but she couldn’t reach) I can’t reach there… Ufff!!! What should I do now?? (She sees a stool and places it near the cupboard… She stands on the stool and tries to take it… The stool stumbles and she becomes panic… She closes her eyes thinking of falling but she hears a soft voice…)

Voice: Don’t worry, Annika… You are fine… Open your eyes… (Annika opens her eyes and sees Ishana is holding the stool preventing her from falling)

Annika: Ishu!! (Ishana nods and helps her to get down from the stool… Annika hugs her…) Thank you…

Ishu: (breaks the hug) My dear khidkithodh Annika, what are you trying to do just now??

Annika: Woh… I kept something important at the above shelf… That’s why I want to take it…

Ishu: Why are you keeping important stuffs at the above shelf?? It should be kept at the place that easy for you to take… (Annika looks her making a puppy face) At least, you should have asked someone to take it for you… Where is Shivaay bhaiya??

Annika: He is busy with other works…

Ishu: No work is important than his wife… Have you taken your medicines??

Annika: Not yet…

Ishu: What?? See what is the time now… You supposed to take the medicines on time… Where are your medicines?? (Annika points to a table… Ishana goes and brings the medicines with a glass of water… She makes Annika to have the medicines… Annika has them silently…)

Annika: Ishu, why did you come out from your room?? You supposed to stay there right??

Ishu: Soumya messaged me that she wants to talk with us… I was about to go to her when I saw you standing on the stool…

Annika: Ok… You ask Soumya to come here to my room now…

Voice: No need of that, bhabhi… I’m already here… (IshAni turn and see SouMa with Gauri’s mother at the door… They already there when they saw Ishana ran to ShivIka’s Room… They just stood quietly watching both of them…)

Annika: When did you came??

Soumya: We already here when you were doing your stunt on this stool… Luckily, Ishu was there to save you… (Ishana smiles at her and looks at Gauri’s mother… She folds her hand and greets her… She doesn’t know that she is Gauri’s mother…)

Annika: Maa, this is Ishana, the one who is going to marry our Omkara… Ishu, this is Gauri’s mother and my mother too… (Smiles at her…)

Ishu: (surprised) Oh!! Sorry, I never have seen you before… (Goes and takes her blessing…)

Gauri’s mom: Live a long life, beti… (Ishana straightens herself) You are very lucky to get damaad ji as your husband… My Gauri is not lucky enough to live long with him… Now, you are going to take her place… I hope you will take a good care of him…

Ishu: I will take a good care of your damaad ji… Don’t worry… (Gauri’s mother smiles)

Gauri’s mom: Soumya, it’s getting late… You all get ready fast… I will meet damaad ji later… (She left the room leaving the girls)

Annika: So, Soumya, what is the plan?? (Soumya says something in mute)

Ishu: Woww!!! Soumya, you are really a love angel…

Soumya: Ishu, don’t say like Rudra…

Annika: Soumya, Ishu is going to marry your bade baalwale bhaiya… So, you should not address her with her name?? You should call her didi or bhabhi…

Ishu: No need of that… You can call me using my name…

Soumya: No… Annika bhabhi is right… I should not address you using your name… So, should I call you bhabhi?? Ishu bhabhi??

Ishu: (smiles and pats her cheek) As your wish…

Madhu: Ishu, you too should not address Annika using her name…

Annika: Madhu is right… You cannot call my name…

Ishu: Should I call you Annika bhabhi??

Soumya: No… Most of us are calling her bhabhi… You call her didi… How?? (Ishana looks at Annika)

Annika: I don’t mind… Ishu, you can call me didi…

Ishu: Ok, I will call you Annika di…

Annika: Ok… So when are we going to execute the plan??

Soumya: Today itself… Now, let’s go and get ready for the rasam… (IshSouMa leave from the room)


Precap: Ritual started for the brides… The guys surprise the brides… Omkara’s surprise for Ishana… Chabras ask for Madhu’s hand for Reyaan… MaKar confrontation…

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